Product Specifications, Bulletins, Technical Articles
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Tower Packings
Plastic Packings
Plastic Random Packing
- Jaeger Tri-Packs® Made in the USA All sizes of this product in polypropylene are NSF 61 listed for potable water contact. File in Spanish.
- Low Profile Rings®
- Star Rings
- Raschig Super Ring®, Plastic
- File in Spanish.
- Pall Rings (also called Jaeger Rings, Ballast Rings, Basic Rings, etc.)
- Saddles
Plastic Packing: Technical Information
- Maximum Temperature Tolerances of Available Plastic Resins
- National Sanitation Foundation NSF 61 Potable Water Certification: Our listed products are the three sizes of the Jaeger Tri-Packs® in polypropylene.
- Chemical Resistance of Plastics and Metals: Cole-Parmer® Chemical Compatibility Data Base
- Maintenance and Cleaning of Random Plastic Packings
Metal Packings
Metal Random Packing
- Raschig Super Ring®, Metal
- Raschig Super Ring® Plus, Metal
- Ralu-Ring, Metal
- Pall Ring, Metal
- Raschig Rings – The Famous Packing Invented by Dr. Raschig
- Low Profile Rings – Metal
Metal Structured Packing
Metal Packing: Technical Information
- Raschig Super Ring®, Metal
- Raschig Super Ring® verus Pall Rings – Table 2 Data from the paper immediately below
- Raschig Super Ring®, 4th Generation Packing
- Dr. Michael Schultes, Raschig Gmbh; Researching Rings
- Fractionation Research, Inc.
- Raschig Super-Pak®
Carbon Packings
Carbon Random Packing
Ceramic Packings
Ceramic Random Packing
Ceramic Structured Packing
Column Internals & Product Bulletins
Column Internals
Column Internals
Column Internals: Technical Information
- “Influence of Liquid Redistributors on Mass Transfer Efficiency of Packed Columns”; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Dr. Michael Schultes, Raschig Gmbh
- “The impact of tower internals on column perfromance”, Petroleum Technology Quarterly Q1 2016, Dr. Michael Schultes, Raschig Gmbh
- “A Modern Liquid Distributor and Redistributor Design”, Hydrocarbon Engineering Part 1 January 2009 and Part 2 February 2009
Product Bulletins
- Product Bulletin 100 – Introduction to our various packings
- Raschig Super Rings® Metal and Plastic Random Packings Bulletin 200
- Product Bulletin 251 – RSR Plus Data – 5th Generation Random Metal Packing
- Wire Mesh Mist Eliminators Product Bulletin 300
- Fractionation Tray Technology Bulletin 401
- Raschig Super-Pak® Structured Metal Packing Bulletin 501
- Jaeger Tri-Packs®/Hacketten Product Bulletin 600
- Raschig Super-Rings® Product Bulletin 625
- Low Profile Rings Product Bulletin 650
- Jaeger (Pall) Rings and Super Torus Saddles Bulletin 700
- Low Profile rings Bulletin 800
- Column Internals Product Bulletin 1100
- Column Internals Product Bulletin 1101 (large file, 6.43 MB)
General Technical Articles
- “How Sensitive is Your Treating Plant to Operating Conditions?” presented at the 2014 AIChE meeting in New Orleans, Dr. Michael Schultes Raschig Gmbh co-author
- “Research on Mass Transfer Columns: passé?”, Dr. Michael Shultes Raschig Gmbh, Chemical Engineering Technology 2013, 36, No.9, 1539-1549
- “The Impact of Tower Internals on Packing Performance“, Dr. Michael Schultes Raschig Gmbh, Chem. Ing. Tech. 2014, 86, No.5, 1-9
- Raschig High Capacity Mini Fixed Valves FRI Tested AIChE Spring Meeting Austin TX April 2015
Jaeger Tri-Packs®, Nor-Pac®, Raschig Super Ring®, and Raschig Super-Pak® are registered trademarks of Raschig USA, Inc.
Cole Parmer® is a registered trademark of Cole Parmer, Inc.